Pelancaran Bulan Kebajikan PAS Perak 2009
Khidmat Kesihatan PERCUMA
Khidmat Kesihatan PERCUMA
- Perubatan Islam Darus Syifa'
- Khidmat Derma Darah
- Jualan Amal Pakaian Kebajikan
- Jualan Kebajikan (Harga Murah)
- Sumbangan Kepada Anak-anak Yatim
- Sumbangan Fakir Miskin
- Bayi Sihat
- Masakan (Rendang Daging, Puding, Gulai Tempoyak)
- Gubahan (Sireh)
- Kraftangan
- Warga Emas Lelaki & Wanita (60 tahun keatas)
- Sukaneka
debingkas91 (4 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam before u say something about islam....look ur face at mirror and think...."Who me say something like that?".....o.< think use ur brain if u human.....only animal cant think what bad what good
debingkas91 (4 hours ago)
Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam This what people call "When u give food to dog....that dog will follow what u say"same with them....some Party politik say something not sure true or not....islam or non...if they let they body control by some people....for sure they do same like that video...Do they feel better after do that?for what they feel better if they country not peace?They want samething what happen at iraq to they country?Dont Waste what our lagend do hardway to make peace in our country.."StayInPeaceNoWar"o.<
SRai123456 (10 hours ago)
Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Protest ??? What u get??
think about it !!!!!
bilarotti (14 hours ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Ooohh...im traitor or you traitor of Islam??? Yes you have court call Syariah Court. But what about practising Islamic in politic and in your government??? Why you rejected Islam in your political view??? If that your answer that your country is enough with Syariah Court,Mosque, give food to the poor, its not so different with other non Islamic state. So poor on you thats not well perform your religious teaching in every part in your life include in political view.
selebet77 (1 day ago)
Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam shut up lah traitor! Malaysia already Islamic country, the whole world know it, recognize it. Law and rule in Malaysia is made for everybody live in Malaysia. It is a modern law mix with Islamic law inside. for example brunt by rattan will apply to who rapped guilty. For Muslim cases also we got our own court call "Syariah Court" are u blind and deaf? If you are Malaysian, I feel shame for you. But if you not, go away from any Malaysian politic issue because you know nothing and insurgent!
bilarotti (1 day ago)
Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Yes country with law and rule but which law and rule you prefer?? Islamic law and rule or Modern law and rule?? Which one is better??of course Islamic law but why they still rejected it?
bilarotti (1 day ago)
Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Gambaran dari kau ni ialah gambaran seorg yg tidak adil..menggunakan kuasa yg ada bukan pada tempatnya. Kenapa laungan Takbir dipertikaikan???Takut dengar laungan tu ke?? Islam di M'sia bukan je diperkecilkan tapi dipermainkan..
selebet77 (1 day ago)
Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam are you got mental problem? Malaysia is country with law and rule. don't be rude! i think you are potential become traitor for this country. go away!
othmaar (1 day ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Apa 'kejadah'NYA melaungkan ALLAHUAKBAR dlm demo BODOH ini. Apa takda laungan lain selain ALLAHUAKBAR. Apakah org Msia begitu TERANIAYA sekali dlm hidup mereka. Apakah ISLAM di Msia di perkecil2kan?. SETIAP KALI DEMO..Polis hendak huraikan laung ALLAHUAKBAR. Syorkan Polis selain menggunakan water cannon..bubuh buah pokok gatal2. Semburkan pada si perusuh ini. Kalau ANwar Ibrahim ada si ditu SIRAM DIA DULU...biar macam kera tergaruk2 gatal..
TheIronsuperman (2 days ago)
Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam Malaysia is a unfair coutry and dont try to show off
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